We are a multidisciplinary team working at VISGRAF Lab, the Vision and Graphics Laboratory based at IMPA (Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Luiz Velho

Project coordinator;

Full Professor at IMPA and leader of VISGRAF Lab. He holds a doctorate from University of Toronto and a master's degree from MIT Media Lab.

Julia Giannella

conception; content;
UI-UX; data visualization

Ph.D. candidate in Design at ESDI and research assistant at VISGRAF Lab. Interested in data visualization, data science, interaction design and UI-UX.

Djalma Lucio

systems support

Computer Scientist with over 20 years of experience in medium and large enterprises. Currently, he works as a developer and systems administrator at VISGRAF Lab, IMPA.

Bruno Silva

systems support

Research assistant at VISGRAF Lab and MS candidate in Computer Science at UFF. He works on databases and networking.

Juliano Kestenberg

video edition;
sound design

Designer with undergraduate and master's degree from ESDI. He works as a research assistant at VISGRAF Lab.

Additional Credits

A second line of work involving deep learning concepts and techniques is ongoing and engages the following researchers from the Institute of Computing of UFF (Federal Fluminense University): Cristina Nader Vasconcelos, Aline Paes and Daniel Moreira.


The development of this project was supported due to the use of some libraries and frameworks: Twitter's Public API; Google Custom Search; Mezzanine, a CMS built using Django; SQLite a relational database management system, EventDrops, a time based event series using d3.js; Bubble, a cloud visualization using d3.js; StoryMapJS a tool that highlights the locations of a series of events; Public Opinion Analysis Tool, a widget that provides a subject-specific tag cloud and emotions chart of tweets; Twitter Topic Explorer, an exploratory tool that expose the temporal dynamics of Twitter conversations; Vizuly, a set of visualization components built on top of the vizuly core library and d3.js; Prènoms, a visualization framework by DataAddict; OpenSeadragon, a web-based viewer for high-resolution zoomable images.