Luiz Velho
Project coordinator;conception
Full Professor at IMPA and leader of VISGRAF Lab. He holds a doctorate from University of Toronto and a master's degree from MIT Media Lab.
Julia Giannella
conception; content;UI-UX; data visualization
Ph.D. candidate in Design at ESDI and research assistant at VISGRAF Lab. Interested in data visualization, data science, interaction design and UI-UX.
Djalma Lucio
development;systems support
Computer Scientist with over 20 years of experience in medium and large enterprises. Currently, he works as a developer and systems administrator at VISGRAF Lab, IMPA.
Bruno Silva
development;systems support
Research assistant at VISGRAF Lab and MS candidate in Computer Science at UFF. He works on databases and networking.
Juliano Kestenberg
video edition;sound design
Designer with undergraduate and master's degree from ESDI. He works as a research assistant at VISGRAF Lab.
Additional Credits
A second line of work involving deep learning concepts and techniques is ongoing and engages the following researchers from the Institute of Computing of UFF (Federal Fluminense University): Cristina Nader Vasconcelos, Aline Paes and Daniel Moreira.
The development of this project was supported due to the use of some libraries and frameworks: Twitter's Public API; Google Custom Search; Mezzanine, a CMS built using Django; SQLite a relational database management system, EventDrops, a time based event series using d3.js; Bubble, a cloud visualization using d3.js; StoryMapJS a tool that highlights the locations of a series of events; Public Opinion Analysis Tool, a widget that provides a subject-specific tag cloud and emotions chart of tweets; Twitter Topic Explorer, an exploratory tool that expose the temporal dynamics of Twitter conversations; Vizuly, a set of visualization components built on top of the vizuly core library and d3.js; Prènoms, a visualization framework by DataAddict; OpenSeadragon, a web-based viewer for high-resolution zoomable images.